Good luck to everyone dealing with the fallout from Covid-19, I hope you’re safe, well fed, and not destitute because of it.
Thanks for coming to my site. There is a infinite amount of content on the internet so I'm honored that you parked your seat here for a bit. So, what am I doing? The original script for issue 17 of Sandman was reprinted in the back of the trade paperback Dream Country in 1990 and I used to think… What if I drew that myself? So, here I am now drawing, lettering, and colouring the whole issue as though the original script was written for me, rather than the brilliant Kelley Jones. This blog will keep you updated to my progress till its done. This is “Issue 17”. Wish me luck.
Colour and Letters
I’ve heard the old adage, I think from Neal Adams, that style is “the things you get wrong”. I think that’s mostly true, BUT — I feel sometimes that style is better understood as “the things you can’t help but get wrong”. My approach to colour seems to bear that out. I can’t help but fuck it up sometimes.
And as for lettering? Well, I learned a valuable lesson, LETTER AS YOU DRAW. At least rough it in. While I was lettering the pages I realized in many places that I didn’t leave enough room for the word bubbles. So stupid of me, and Neil Gaiman writes a LOT of text in his balloons. So I spent a good deal of time resizing the art to fix my mistakes. Thank you Photoshop.
The Plan is still to post the entire comic for free online. And if there is any sort of demand do a small print run with any proceeds going to charity.
Below are a selection of finished pages.
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Page 16
Pagw 18