Thanks for coming to my site. There is a infinite amount of content on the internet so I'm honored that you parked your seat here for a bit. Now listen to this, I am recreating all of issue 17 of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. The original script for issue 17 has been reprinted in the back of the trade paperback Dream Country many times. I am drawing, lettering, colouring the whole book as though the original script was written for me, rather than the original artist (and brilliant) Kelley Jones. This is “Issue 17”.
Some people might balk at the thought of taking a year to draw twenty four pages of a black and white comic, I am apparently not one of those people. I do have a full time job making video games and my wife and I did have a beautiful baby girl so I have been a little busy…
That being established, I only have a few more pages to go and then I'm off to colours (which I'll have some assistance with from my friend David Theron) and I become a man of letters.
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