Thanks for coming to my site. There is a wicked amount of content on the internet so I'm honoured that you parked your butt here for a bit. I am recreating all of issue 17 of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. The original script for issue 17 has been reprinted in the back of the trade paperback Dream Country many times. I am drawing, lettering, colouring the whole book as though the original script was written for me, rather than the original artist Kelley Jones. This is “Issue 17”.
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So. This is page 4,5 & 24. I'm not going to pretend that I'm the most creative person on the planet. This is how I keep track of the images I draw from for inspiration and art direction. I keep a Pinterest board for the entire project. I use that to catalog all of the images I find on Google or my personal favorite search engine Bing. I would hazardous to guess that Bing is the best place to find images for your drawings or duckduckgo
But why is that?
In the pursuit of authenticity I like to research my drawings and the internet makes that easier these days. But I fear that this is a really limited way to find an authentic experience… I work as an art director and we always have tight deadlines. So artist will often simply use Google to find an idea. It's search engine creativity. Of course, it makes sense. It's fast, but I think that as an artist it's your job to find images and inspiration that are fresh and different. So I like to get out when I can and see the world. I'm really lucky because I live in Toronto and it has all sorts of location that could be almost anywhere on Earth. Lots of movies are shot here, so if I need a castle I can go to Casa Loma (the original X-mansion), if I need a New York street its there. And if I need something set in Toronto I have Toronto. But no one ever wants to set things in Toronto. I could even go to the zoo and take pictures of the beasts if I wanted to. But most of the time I just sit at my PC and Bing it or “duckduckgo it”, because at the very least, they are not the world's most popular search engine…
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