Thanks for coming to my site. There is a infinite amount of content on the internet so I'm honored that you parked your seat here for a bit. Now listen to this, I am recreating all of issue 17 of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman. The original script for issue 17 has been reprinted in the back of the trade paperback Dream Country many times. I am drawing, lettering, colouring the whole book as though the original script was written for me, rather than the original artist (and brilliant) Kelley Jones. This is “Issue 17”.
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All this Sandman news
It’s been a very strange time to be a Sandman fan. Although Sandman has never really disappeared from the consciousness of fans over the years, news stories of interest to the wider culture are rare. Last week it was announced that Vertigo comics, Sandman’s publisher was closing down after a stint of dwindling sales and lost direction probably due to Karen Berger’s absence. DC will replace Vertigo with the already disappointing Black Label, who’s name sounds like a cheap ice beer.
Now this week it was reported that Sandman is getting a “high budget” streaming series on Netflix produced by the man himself, Mr Gaiman and some other talented fellows.
Although Vertigo’s influence is titanic on comics in the 90’s and its successive generations, as of late, Vertigo’s impact has been small. I feel a twinged of sadness a its passing, but considering it’s history is inextricably linked to that of Sandman. Let’s hope it might live on a bit when the dream king streams to a new generation of curious readers with the Netflix series. Albeit not through its original imprint but through the foggy dew of the Black Label.
The Pages
I have two new pages this week. My talented friend David Theron said that they’re good, so I’m going to take his word for it. I’ve been enjoying this project so far. I only have 10 pages left to draw.
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